Monday, August 11, 2008

Touring Kathmandu

I need more time to carefully craft an entry about my wonderful tour of Kathmandu on Sunday. The tour (given by a most generous former researcher at Indiana University) was amazing.

Simply put, Kathmandu lives up to everything written about it in the tour books. We saw amazing temples of all kinds. I took many pictures and will find a good way to post them.

Also, in our travels, the infrastructure problems in Nepal (or Kathmandu at least) became apparent. The roads are very poor and the traffic very heavy. It was quite rainy. But, without that, I suspect the pollution would be a significant problem. You are warned not to drink the water.

Kathmandu is a city of contrasts The amazing history and temples contrasted are with the serious modern infrastructure problems. How the history can be maintained and preserved, while at the same time, the dramatic infrastructure problems are addressed?

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